Uniform Regulation
Detailed uniform rules and wear options are located in CAPR 39-1.
Minimum Basic Uniform
CAP members who meet the height and weight standards in CAPR 39-1 Attachment 2 wear USAF-style uniforms. The basic minimum USAF-style uniform is the Blue Service Uniform (Class B) with a short-sleeved blue shirt or blouse. Female members have the option of wearing a blue skirt or slacks. Members over 18 years old and not meeting weight standards can wear one of several corporate uniform options.
Curry Uniform Voucher
Effective 1 Oct 22, the New Curry Uniform Voucher program begins when new cadets indicate a financial need on the CAPF 15 or online application. Once cadets earn the Curry Award, they (as well as parents, Commander, and Deputy Commander for Cadets) will receive an email containing a $75-$100 voucher (depending on their priority in the voucher program) to the Vanguard uniform store to purchase Class B or ABU uniform items. Note that the listed footwear is described as male, but the shoes are unisex with different male and female sizes listed in the dropdown menu. You can view full detains of the voucher program at https://www.gocivilairpatrol.com/programs/cadets/newcadet/curryuniform.
Additional uniform items, ribbons, insignia, and other CAP-specific items may be purchased from the Civil Air Patrol Store at https://www.vanguardmil.com/ under the Civil Air Patrol tab. Members should look up Vanguard Industries on Facebook for a monthly 10% discount code to the Civil Air Patrol Store.
Utility Uniforms
Cadets wear the Airman Battle Uniform (ABU). Cadet Airman and Non-Commissioned Officers wear metal grade insignia and cadet officers wear ultramarine and silver cloth insignia. Members wear black boots with the ABU. Utilize the sizing guide attached on the right side of your screen for proper sizing of the ABU.
Members can purchase uniform items from the Civil Air Patrol Store, the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES), or via commercial sources. The Civil Air Patrol Store is the only authorized source for Civil Air Patrol uniform accouterments. Members may purchase any uniform item they are authorized to wear from AAFES. Detailed AAFES policy is available in CAPR 147-1.
The Squadron Uniform Distribution System (SCUDS) has a wide selection of Class B uniforms and ABUs.
In addition to the attached ABU sizing chart, Vanguard has several other sizing charts available to help you convert your measurements into a uniform size.
Height and Weight Standards
Members must meet the below standards to wear any of the Air Force-style uniforms.